I have used 3 different photos and images for my contents pages, and then asked for my focus groups' opinion for which one I will use as my final design. I left the background white to shows simplicity and to connote that higher-society people do not mind what colour the back ground is, or how full of pictures it is, but the information on the page is more important as that is what they want to read. The word 'Contents' to the top right and is not very big. I left it big enough to engage the audience and to let the know what page this is, and then the sate and issue number underneath. The contents itself is written in two columns with the main heading in a bigger font with the extra information I thought was necessary in a smaller font underneath. The page numbers are to the right and are very clear. I added a small border to the top left hand corner, round the picture(s) to add some detail but still keeping it plain and simple.

The first image i used, was the front cover boost image to show that both pages related and connected to each other. The feedback I received showed that this was not the best image to use and that i should use a ore varied range of pictures. 'Even though the standard use of the same picture will attract your audience, a range of pictures will help show a skill of what sort of things you can create.'

The second image I used was a less saturated image of the second most popular image for the cover image. I made it transparent in indesign using the transparency tool to show the border underneath. After putting in the picture to the page, i do not think that it connotes a very good image of my audience and that it looks a lot different to what I thought it would. The overall feedback I received from people suggested that this was not the best picture to use. It did not connote a good sophisticated audience and that it was too transparent.

The third image I used was a picture of a saxophone with the camera angle at an angle pointing upwards. I did not alter this picture in any way. The picture is a little bit bigger than the other two but feedback suggests that it is preferred for this picture and that it shows a stereotypical view on Jazz, as when you think of this genre, you automatically think of a saxophone. Alistair says that the Saxophone works best because it shows the musical site and not the artists and that it is about the instruments used in the music as well as the artist him/herself.

I chose this particular image of a saxophone from 5 images which I had taken... :
< The first image was too blurry, so this image was not able to be used
-The Second image (Left,Below) , I thought did not show enough detail on the saxophone, so this image was also discarded.
>The third image showed alot of detail and ad a camera angle which was angled upwards.

-The 4th image (To the right) of the saxophone reeds and the box would not be suitable for my magazine as it does not portray the right conventions of the type of magazine I am producing and would be seen in a more middle class magazine. However if I was to produce a page with a shop or musical Lessons advertisements page then I would consider this.

-The fifth image (to the left) of two reeds, does not only convey different conventions to the magazine I am producing, it is also blurred, and does not fit the style of my magazine. Therefore I will not be using this image.
Because of the disapopinting other 4 images, I used the third image.
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