The people I have chosen to be in my focus group are from all aspects of my target audience of aged 40 and above and the secondary audience of young adults who love the genre.
Name - Alistair Valentine
Age- 26
From- The West Midlands.
I have chosen him to be in my focus group because he will be able to give me honest feedback on what I have done well and what i need to improve. He may not be the biggest music fan but he likes the Jazz genre so i think his opinons could be useful when I create my magazine and whether the colour i use in production are right and whether he can advise me on what colours to use next.
Name- Alex Foden
From- Burntwood/ West Midlands
He Will be able to give me critcal and good feedback as he reads alot of magazines and knows what will attract the right audience. Although he is not in the target audience age group, I think his opinion could become very valid and helpful as he studies maths and is able to put the target age group and their needs together to form an image which they will like.
Age- 46
From- Perdiswell/Worcester/West Midlands
I have Chosen him to be in my focus group because he knows a lot about audience and what they like because of his job and therefore will able to point me into the right direction as to what my audience may like or dislike. Also he in the middle range of target audience and will able to tell me whether he likes my designs and whether he would buy it or not, and if not he can give me ideas on how to improve.
Name: Alan Heywood
Age- 70+
From: Originally from Bolton, but lives in Malvern
He enjoys listening to Jazz instrumental music in his spare time so I think he will have good knowledge on the subject and he will know what looks good for a Jazz magazines whether they would buy it to read or not. Looking through my research it shows that all the information is written very small, so I will ask whether that will be readable or whether I should make the writing bigger and less of it to allow the audience to read it. As an elder he will be able to advise me into what works best for the genre and where I should improve.
Name: Mildred Heywood
Age: 70+
From: Originally from Bolton, but lives in Malvern.
I have chosen her to be in my focus group because she, much like Alan, listens to Jazz in free time and will often pick up magazines in supermarkets to read them briefly. I will aim to ask her about the designs of those magazines which encourage her to pick them up and what techniques they use. Also what worked well on the cover and whether the information inside was interesting for her to read.
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